Smokey has puppies also.
Saturdaynight, Smokey’s temperature went down to 37,1 degrees celcius. Now it would take up to another 24 hours before she finally would deliver her puppies. 5 foetuses were seen on the X-Ray by the veterenarian. All day yesterday she was restless and kept turning herself several times in het Ridgi-Pad bed. Than going outside again to pee, drink and turning again. Shortly before midnight it happenend. The first puppy was born and weighted almost 55o gr. That is enormous if you consider that the average weight lays between 300 to 400 gr. After the birth, Smokey was willing to move into the welphingbox in the livingroom. After which she continued with another 3 males, all black and white and between 400 to 500 gr. I still missed 2 bitches that had been pre-ordered. Smokey didn’t care and aroud 04.00 she delivered number 5. A male, black and white,only 250 gr but as all other well up and as all other immediately searching for the nipples.
Now we have 5 black males and Smokey is happy. So are we, but very tired.
and another picture