Litters bred by us
Between 1989 and 2010 we've bred 43 Bearded Collie litters. We've bred below listed litters since 2010. You can find more information and pedigree of this combination at their own page.
Between 1989 and 2010 we've bred 43 Bearded Collie litters. We've bred below listed litters since 2010. You can find more information and pedigree of this combination at their own page.
On 19th of January 2024, 4 boys and 3 girls were born Pikes and Tina.
On May 10th, 5 males and 2 females are born from Carry and Djim.
Our year ends with a big “OOPS”. On December 4th Prada surprises us with 1 pup from Lasse.
And then a little suprise this fall: 8 Firstprizebears puppies have been born. “J.Lo” has found her true love in Lasse’s half brother Sisu.
21st of April we received puppies from Pike and Carry and hope that we can say in these dark times “And then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on” (uit Mariah Carey’s Hero)
Firstprizebears Liz Taylor has puppies from Firstprizebears Percy Sledge. This will be her final litter and one of my VERY last litters at all.
After two succesful dates with Mr. Smith Prada showed took her eyes on his beautiful son Partout. Pups are born at 10 december.
Our Schoko (Liz Taylor) and Lasse gave us a lot of beautiful puppies. They repeat their success and at 6 August their pups are born.
Our Abby and our Lasse have done a good job together. 8 beautiful black Beardies and 1 blue ‘hunk’ were set on the world at November 30th.
Prada got her eyes again on Mr. Smith, a stunning brown Beardie from the country of the vikings. Puppies were born at 5th October.
With some help of our Schoko the stork brang us 9 puppies at 17 May. Proud dad is Clan of Stork’s Outlander.
Last year our Schoko (Liz Taylor) brought us a beautiful litter of Lasse. She kept faith to her Swedish prince and their puppies were born at 17 March.
Prada got her eyes on Mr. Smith, a stunning brown Beardie from the country of the vikings. Litter has born at 20th January.
At 25th Februar Firstprizebears Jade Jagger and our Lasse have received 11 little Jewels.
Our Belgium chocolates from our brown Schoko (Liz Taylor) arrived at 22 January, 1 boy and 7 girls. Proud dad is our Swedisch boy Lasse.
Our first litter from two brown parents has born. Parents are Firstprizebears Lorne Green and Firstprizebears Gunsmoke.
Lasse en Lilli are a match made from heaven and therefor we repeat this mate again. Pups were born at 12 March, 3 boys and 5 girls.
It took some time but we have puppies again in the Verelst residence. 3 boys and 1 girl are born at 26 February 2014.
Spring has entered our home in Maaseik. Our Lilli (Firstprizebears Helen Hunt) brought a wonderfull litter (1 male and 3 females) to this world at op 21-3-2013. Father is our Lasse, Lärkängen’s At Firsticebears.
Smokey and Hitch leaving the year with a blast. Pups are born at 8 January 2013, 3 boys and 6 girls.
Firstprizebears Donna Summer had her last litter from our own Lasse. Pups are born at 30 December 2012, 6 boys and 4 girls.
Three in a row…Smokey and Hitch make this spring complete. Pups are born at 28 april 2012, 5 boys no girls.
Firstprizebears Donna Summer felt totally in love with our charming and youthfull Lasse, Lärkängen’s At Firsticebears. Pups are born at 20 april 2012, 2 boys and 3 girls.
Let the spring begin! Heidi Klum found her first love in England. Pups are born at 23 March, 3 boys and 4 girls. Proud dad is Laura’s grandson Caramac Change The Beat.
Pups are born at 12 October, 5 boy and 4 girls. Father is Firstprizebears Hitchkock (Hitch) and mother is Firstprizebears Havanna (Coco).
This litter is born 15 april 2011, 2 boys and 1 girl. Father is Firstprizebears Enfield and mother is our Firstprizebears Gunsmoke.
This litter is born 5 July 2010, 5 boys and 3 girls. Father is Firstprizebears Enfield and mother is our Firstprizebears Donna Summer.