Bearded Collie puppies
Having a litter means, having lots of work. Two litters at the same time is stress. Sometimes, it is inevitable. To breed with 2 different breeds is not always simple. Normally we have two litters of Bobtails and 2 of Bearded Collies per year. However, sometimes things (nature) do not go as planned and don’t we have a litter in 1,5 years, while on other moments they come very shortly after eachother.
Almost 99% of our puppies go abroad. Only 1% remains in Belgium. We somtimes have litters, which are divided over all of Europe. Therefore we never have come togethers with our puppybuyers. How should we, as all of them have to come from far?
This doesn’t mean that their is no contact. On a regular basis puppiebuyers are informed via e-mail and during Christmas we receive lots of beautiful cards and photos of the dogs and can we see, how each and everyone of them is doing.
Now and again I am thinking a lot about the fact: “How long do I want to continue with this?” For the Bobtails counts 2021, as my kennel is than 50 years of age and if I would continue until 2024, it is even 50 years ago since I had my first litter. All depends on how I feel and my health. Our breed requires a lot of work and having had between 6 to 10 dogs for fourty years, the bones have done their work due to the brushing and combing.
For the Beardies it could take a little while longer, although in 2018 it is also 30 years ago that I started………..
People may ask why I am giving raw meat of fish. Purely and simple the dog is a meateater. All this dryfood has big influence on our dogs health an it is not easy at all to find a dryfood which is acceptable. I have one, we feed WILDBORN. After my friend Lenka has changed her dogs to BARFEN, I started as well to think more about my system of feeding. I will not change totally to BARFEN, but I have changed a lot. Fresh different meat 3 times per week and the other 4 days they are getting the dryfood from the WILDBORN. For the puppies and the adults it is real a joy to get fresh meat like half a chicken and yes with bones or a fresh fish. They also like Cottage cheese or an egg, fresh vegetalbes or fruit. Sometimes I just cook a boullion and mix it with veggies. This goes later on top of the fresh meat.