14 December 2017


Since March 2007, the brown whelping box of 1 x 1.2 meters was in my kitchen and all the famous and beloved family dogs of Firstprizebears and Elbe-Urstromtal are born in it. Now it was time to say FAREWELL. The whelping box was old and used up and it had to be a new one.

The new whelping box is white, 1.2 x 1.2 meters slightly lower from the entry, ingenious and expensive. However, to disassemble the old and to bring to the landfill was already sad. I spent endless hours beside this whelping box. Shed tears when there were dead puppies but also my tired and happy face saw she saw when beautiful puppies were born again.

It was just a piece of wood and screws, but the countless memories are priceless.

By By Old whelping box

On good cooperation new litter box