“Schoko” stays with Tante Eef
Our “Schoko” was very brave and went all by her self on holidays to Aunt Eef in Reuver/NL. The ride with the car was a disaster, because she was very sick and the fresh chickenbreast she ate just before, lay in the car. After Aunt Eef started comforting her, she immediately felt better. Especially the 4 Martens-Beardie-Ladies where very touched by the presence of the Beardie Schoko child. Djazzie brought her complete toy collection and spreaded it out in front of her.
After 3 days off Reuver adventure, we picked her up again on Sundayevening. She had quite an experience and even visited a garden centre. Her litter sister “Babettje” visited her and together they were a danger for the neighbourhood.
Thanks to Eef and Theis.