Firstprizebears Frostproof
“Firstprizebears Frostproof” is now called Bruno and lives, since one year, with the Family Soeters in Belgium. He was once sold as a puppy to the Family Hendricks, who also had another Beardie from us. After they had build their new house, the Beardies where no longer allowed in the house and had to stay outside in the kennel. “Frodo”, as Bruno was called than, could not coop with the situation, climbed over the 1,85 m high fence regularly and ran away. That he is still alive is a miracle. After a long period of going back and forward they have probably decided that it was better for Bruno to leave. But he draw a lucky number and found a new house with friends where he is happy. “Bruno” looks very well again and was at the Show in Uden/NL already successfull. Last Saturday, during the Show in Genk/B, under judge Mrs. Kuleskova/RU he won the Open Class. Well done Patricia. Bruno is a fantastic and happy dog.
Patricia with Bruno in Genk
Bruno shows his wonderful movement