Exhibitons in june 2022
June is off to a good start. We have a new champion, number 123 in our ending breeder history. The number 124 will probably be made up in August. Whether there will ever be another number 125 is anyone’s guess. The very last litter will hopefully be born in September 2022 and then it will be over.
Firstprizebears Tina Turner won her last Green Star of a total of 7 you must have for the titel on 5-6-2022 in Cork Ireland. Now she has the title of Irish Champion. To top it off, she was 4th in group 1. Congratulations to her owner Justina Masiule.
Judge was Mr. V. Baranauskas from Lithuania
Schon wieder ein Top Wochenende für “Ch. Firstprizebears Tina Turner” am Sonntag den 26-6-2022 gab es 2 Ausstellungen an 2 verschiedenen Orten. In Kilkenny District/Irl. Herr G. Jeavous aus Kanada richtete und am Nachmittag in Deise/Irl. richtet Mr.s D. Byrne/Irland. Auf beiden Ausstellung gewann “Tina” Den Green Start und wurder Best of Breed.
There were also beaming faces in England. Althea Richardson was with her “Jazzy” from the Southern Counties/GB exhibition. Also on Pentecost weekend. Judge was Mr. S. Bond and their “Firstprizebears San Francisco” won the stong Graduate Class.
and only a short time later at the show “Three Counties”/GB on 10-6- by the judge Mr. S. Needham/GB. 3rd in Graduate class
Gabrielle Gesci was also successful with “Wendy” Firstprizebears Santa Barbara. At the exhibition in Herend/HU on June 19th, 2022 she won Best of Breed with CACIB, CAC