Ausstellungen im September 2022
Justina Masiule is one of the last exhibitors with a Firstprizebear Bearded Collie. She is very diligent. If I counted correctly, she won her 16 green star with Best of Breed on 17-9-2022 in Carlow/IRL. The judge was Mrs. K. Gilliand/IRL. In group 1 she finished in the last 6.
Ch. Firstprizebears Tina Turner
On September 25th, 2022 she traveled to Belfast in England. There the English CC was awarded. You need 3 of them for the title English Champion. It was the first time “Tina” was exhibited in a hall. The shows in Ireland are all outdoors.
Judge was the famous Norwegian all-rounder Espen Engh.
He was very taken with “Tina” and gave her the CC and made her Best of Breed.
On September 17th and 18th, 2022 Gabrielle was traveling. She was with “Wendy” to the double CACIB show in Osijek/Croatia. On both days “Ch. Firstprizebears Santa Barbara” won CACIB, CAC and Best of Breed. Now she has fulfilled all the conditions for the title of Croatian Champion.
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