13 December 2019

Shows Dezember 2019

Ms. Cocozza had great news for us. Her always happy  “Ella” Ch Firstprizebears Q’Walnutcreek “is the most successful show dog of the Lower Saxony national group in the British Sheepdog  Club in Germany – a great end to a successful year for us as a breeder and especially for Ms. Cocozza


Su Jones was once again at an exhibition after a long show break. It was the championship show of the English Bearded Collies Club on 8-12-19. The judge was Mrs. Yvonne Fox and “Firstprizebears Rio Grande” (Lola for her friends) was placed in all classes in which she was exhibited.

Monika and  Pikes Peak at the xmas Winner in the netherlands

the placement in the Champion Class males. Photos tell more than a lot of words

Berry Hoenstok was in de openklas aanwezig met zijn “Owin” Firstprizebears Q’ Johny Depp” en eindigte op de 4e plaats.