30 years FIRSTPRIZEBEARS Bearded Collies
Today August 28th 30 years ago the first litter on our Kennelname was born. Now 30 years later we have 116 Champion to our credit. On Top many beautiful familydogs who spend happyness everyday. It all started with Joop Hartman as a breeder, then taken over from Harry Verelst and now on the papers it is my husband Paul Roeland who is the breeder. This 3 man are/were part of my life and for this reason the kennelname were on their names. The reason for it: the kennelname for my OES “Aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal” is on my name and FCI rules say that you only can have 1 kennelname. Most of the peopel know who is the brain behind the success of the “Firstprizebears” Bearded Collies. But now this chapter of my life is coming to an end as the corruption in the Benelux countries took my joy away to show anymore Bearded Collies! On Top my Typ of a Bearded Collie is different to what I see winning this days. A long reaching movement who covers effortless the ground is hardly seen anymore and this is so typical for this breed as the ratio 4:5.
I am still enjoying to see our Bearded Collie who are shown in Europe can win everywere, if the judges are fair and well educated what the breedstandard is aksing for. This always has been our strenghts to sell puppies to other breeders or even beginners and they made us famous.
Thank you all for your trust in my breeding in the last 30 years