16 March 2014

Hazel’ pups 2 weeks

On Wednesday it was two weeks ago, since Hazel had given birth to her puppies. Time to go on the scale and receive the first wurm cure. Normally, I would now start with extra feeding, but these 4 don’t wan’t anything else, not coming out of Hazel her milkbar yet. Therefore we wait a little, until the guests start calling for dinner.

Friday, we had extremely beautiful spring weather with high temperatures. The ideal weather for the puppies, to get aquinted with the large world. During a search on the internet, some time ago, I found a “Puppie Igloo”. Personally I think it more looks like an egg, but it doesn’t matter, it was something different and had to be bought. More than perfect for our outdoor session”.

2 weeks and 2 days, our 4 puppies


Auntie Jolanda send them some toys and these had to be inspected.


Mother Hazel inspected the egg very well.


and also the toys where okay.


because all puppies where so nice, they received homemade milkshakes.




the new toy-dog is very much liked from our kiddies

2,5 weeks with cuddel dog